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Proposition F
What is Proposition F?
Why is now the time for Prop F?
How much is this bond issue going to cost me as a taxpayer?
Is there a sunset to taxpayers costs?
Where did the money from Prop S go?
What is your current budget and can't you apply for grants for these projects?
How long will this take the District into the future?
How has the District changed in the last 10-20 years?
Why can't the District continue to purchase equipment from the general fund?
How will residential and commercial growth affect the budget in the future?
Why do firehouses and firefighting equipment seem so expensive?
Why do you need a new fire station?
Why do you need to remodel Firehouse #3?
What are the advantages of newer trucks?
Why do all the stations need to be done so soon, can’t some of these improvements wait?
Why does the district need updated fire trucks?
When the new firehouse is built, what happens to the old one?
What level of support would the bond need to pass?
Cancer is a serious health concern for Firefighters today. How will this updated equipment help reduce this risk for our Wright City firefighters?
Can’t the District just make cuts in the budget to fund these projects?
What is the difference between Appraised and Assessed values of homes?
Isn’t the growth allowed under Missouri’s Hancock Amendment enough to generate the funding needed for Prop F?
Where do I find information on my property?
What is a bond issue?
Will the bond money be spent on salaries, raises or benefits?
What protections help ensure the funds are spent responsibly?
When is the election?
Where can I get additional information about registering to vote?
If you don’t use all the money, what happens to the remaining balance?
How will Proposition F appear on the ballot?
Who can vote in the November 5 election?
I can’t make it to the polls on Election Day. How do I vote?
Where do I vote?
How can I learn more?
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